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Tips for Choosing the Right Inverter


A power inverter is a must-have accessory when you are thinking about owning an RV. If you want the equipment in your RV, such as the computer, TV, and lights, to run normally, you need an inverter to power them correctly.
You must distinguish between direct current and alternating current if you want to understand what an inverter is. The alternating current is always called AC, and the direct current is called DC. DC usually comes from a solar panel and flows in one direction and flows at around 12 V. AC is generally around 120 V and can change directions.

power inverter

A power inverter changes DC to AC. The inverter takes a 12 V current and converts it to a 120 V current when you are running off your solar panels.

Preparing an inverter is necessary when you go camping because you never know what will happen. Your TV or computer won't run off the battery or solar panel alone because they need 120V AC. This is why you shouldn't hesitate to buy an inverter if you would like to camp where electrical hookups aren't offered.

You will see modified sine wave inverters, pure sine wave inverters, and lots of different sizes when choosing inverters. If you have items like a TV, a high-powered coffee maker, or a laptop, or if you want to be able to run more than one thing at a time, you need to go with a pure sine inverter.

How do you choose the size of the inverter? It depends on what you're running and how many things you need to run at one time. With a 1500-Watt inverter, you can usually get away with a few things running at the same time, but eventually, it may not be enough. If you're a full-timer, the 1.5 K isn't going to cut it. If you just like to be outside and only use the vehicle for sleeping, then a small inverter is enough for you.

We offer many inverters that have built-in transfer switches that allow you to go back and forth between shore and inverter power. Our inverter chargers will enable you to use the inverter with city or generator power to recharge the batteries when you have access to AC. Please contact us if you need more info about RV inverters.

Author: CoSuper Energy
Publication Date: 2/28/2020

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